10 Signs Of Menopause You Should Look Out For

Menopause is when a woman's ovaries stop releasing estrogen and progesterone, a stage every woman has to go through at some point in her life. Menopause has its own set of symptoms. In other words, each woman experiences different symptoms. This article explains 10 of symptoms to look out for as you prepare for menopause and everything it entails.

  1. Irregular Periods: Every woman will experience this as the first symptom… Menstrual cycles can skip a month, and you may not have your next period for several months. If your periods become irregular in your late forties or later, menopause is most likely the cause.
  2. Vaginal Dryness: Vaginal dryness is a common symptom of menopause. About 50% of women who go through menopause experience vaginal dryness. This could lead to pain during sexual intercourse, making sex highly unpleasant for both partners. It can also lead to irritation and itching "down there", making your daily activities uncomfortable and difficult for you.
  3. Hot Flashes: Hot flashes are brief bursts of hot skin and soaking sweat that can last anywhere from thirty seconds to five minutes. Your face and neck may flush, your heart rate may rise, and you will most likely sweat. Hot flashes might be moderate or severe enough to cause you to wake up. During menopause, hot flashes affect more than 80% of women.
  4. Mood Swings: One of the menopause's emotional drawbacks are the mild and uncontrollable mood swings. Many women's moods shift naturally when they enter menopause. For example, a woman may begin to feel sad, angry, anxious, or irritable, and in severe circumstances, she may even develop symptoms of depression. However, mood swings don’t affect every woman. According to North American Menopause Society (NAMS), only 23% of women nearing or going through the menopause experience mood swings.
  5. Joint Pain: Menopause can cause joint pain in the knees, shoulders, neck, elbows, and hands. Old joint injuries such as neck pain, jaw pain, shoulder pain, etc, may start to hurt again. You may notice that you have more aches and pains that you used to in specific areas. Estrogen levels may gradually fall during menopause, producing joint pains and stiffness. Joint pain is frequently felt in the tiny joints of the hands and feet. Other joints, such as the knees, elbows, and neck joints, might be impacted as well, resulting in stiffness and limited movement.
  6. Difficulty Sleeping: Sleeping trouble is another symptom of menopause. Oftentimes, menopause makes it harder to fall asleep. Your progesterone and estrogen levels begin to decline around the age of 35. Both of these hormones play a role in biological functions such as mood, appetite, and sleep. Your sleep quality may deteriorate as your progesterone levels fall. In fact, this is probably the point in your life when you will have the most difficulty getting good quality sleep.
  7. Memory Problems: Estrogen may influence attention, emotion, language, and memory, according to experts. Your brain's ability to operate can be harmed when your estrogen levels fluctuate. Some women may begin to experience memory issues during menopause. They may begin to forget things and may have difficulties recalling information as easily as they once did.
  8. Difficulty Concentrating: Some women, particularly those who suffer from memory loss, may have a challenge concentrating on tasks. This is because of reduced estrogen. They can find it difficult to focus on the activities at hand. It could be at work, especially if they begin forgetting things. They may also find it difficult to carry out their regular duties as a result of their inability to concentrate. Around 60% of women going through menopause have trouble focusing on daily duties, whether at home or at work.
  9. Increased Urination: The rate at which you pee may increase as you approach menopause, particularly at night. This is due to a drop in estrogen levels in your body. A drop in estrogen levels can lead you to urinate more frequently than usual. This is because estrogen levels decrease during menopause, causing structures around the pelvic organs to weaken.
  10. Reduced Sex Drive: A reduced sex drive during menopause is generally due to the change in estrogen levels. A drop in estrogen levels can make you less interested in engaging in sexual intercourse. You may start getting less eager to spend some cozy time with your partner. This particular symptom is common in every woman approaching menopause. According to research, about 68-86.5% of women going through menopause experience a low in sex drive. Although this may have a negative impact on your relationship with your significant other, there are ways to save your sex life before it falls apart. 

These symptoms are different in every woman. You could experience a few or all of the symptoms. If the symptoms become severe enough to interfere with your everyday activities, we advise you to see a doctor as soon as possible.

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